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Julian Quinting, 05/12/2020 08:33 AM

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h1. NAWDIC team
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The idea for a new international airborne field campaign emerged from discussions of Shira Raveh-Rubin (Weizmann Institute), Christian Grams, Ulrich Corsmeier and Christoph Kottmeier (all KIT) in May 2019. Since then, the initial idea of observing the interaction of dry intrusions with the planetary boundary layer has developed into a proposal that builds on insights from NAWDEX. The proposal was written by Christian Grams (KIT), Julian Quinting (KIT), Shira Raveh-Rubin (Weizmann Institute), Andres Schäfler (DLR), George Craig (LMU Munich), Christoph Kottmeier (KIT), Peter Knippertz (KIT) and Volkmar Wirth (JGU Mainz) and presented at the HALO status seminar in October 2019. NAWDIC will be supported by the transregional collaborative research center "Waves to Weather".
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The NAWDIC scientific planning team: Andreas Schäfler (DLR), Julian Quinting (KIT), Shira Raveh-Rubin (Weizmann Institute) and Christian Grams (KIT).